
{ Posted on 12:32 AM by Khalique Popcorn Fun }
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This is an impossible triangle.

Young couple or a Skull?
Do you think this is a Young Couple or a Skull?

How many wolves are there?
Count all the wolves in this optical illusion.

All 3 figures are the same size!
This is a pretty cool illusion. All the figures are actually the same size.

Anything moving?
Warning, Your eyes may bug out of your head while you look at this one.

Are these lines straight or crooked?
These lines are straight as an arrow.

How many people do you see?
How many people are in this picure. Look closely.

Does the square magically move?
Another illusion to make your eyes bug out of your head. The square moves!

How Can this be True?
Did you study geometry in High School? How is this possible?

Color Illusions
Try to say the color and not the word.

Impossible Triangle 2
Another geometry optical illusion. This is an impossible triangle

How many prongs on this fork?
This mind trick fools you into counting one to many prongs on the fork.

A perfect square?
Is this a perfect square or not. We think it is.

Are these lines straight or bent?
Once again, these lines are straight as an arrow.

Is the circle perfectly round?
Hmmm, What do you think....Is it round? If you guessed no then your wrong.

Can you read this?
Can you read this illusion?Post your answers in reply.

Are the red lines wavy?
Do you think the red lines are wavy? Well they arn't.

Huge Bird or Guy Fishing?
Is this a huge bird or some guy out fishing?

Got you thinking yet?
This is a cool picture done by a good artist.

Do you see a valley or a hump?
I saw a hump. How about you?

Which vertical line is longer?
Can you tell us what vertical line is longer? Post your answer in reply.

How many cubes do you see?
I can only see about 14 cubes.

Which line is longer, AB or BC?
I bet you get this one wrong!

Move away from the center.
If you move away from the center you can see the circle start to move.

A and B are the same color.
Don't believe it? Try opening up the image in Paint or another image editor and put the 2 tiles side by side.

do you see a woman or a skull?

find the face among the beans

can you see many of people or just the old man and woman or both?

this is well known around the world, does it ever end?

another well known one, the never ending staircase

Can you See the Baby in the picture?

Can you see 9 people??

Spot what is written in the image

There should be 11 faces on this picture. Average people see 4-6, sensible 8-10. The best see all 11, schizophrenics and paranoics 12 and more. And you? (don't take this one too seriously)

Can you see anything else than the vase?

Boats on the picture are not moving. It's just an eye illusion.

Is this a polar bear or a seal?

Are the diagonal lines parallel?

Moving circles.

Stare at the dot in the center of the circle and then move your head closer to it.

The whole family - father with mother and daughter.

This is probably the best-known optical illusion of all times! Almost everybody has seen it! What do you see at first glance - an old woman or a young miss? They are both there!

Can you stack these?

Can you see the horses?

Which soldier is taller?

3 perfect squares.

What do you see above?

How many legs does this elephant have?

Look carefully at the center dots on both the left and right. Which dot is bigger?

It's a spiral, right?

Is the blue side in the front or back of the cube?

Are the lines below straight or are they curved?

Try to count the number of black dots on the image below...

Uzumaki ampan
Concentric gray circles appear to be spirals.

Primrose's field
This checkered background consists of squares but appears to wave. In addition, this figure shows a great amount of anomalous motion illusion.

A bulge
The floor appears to bulge out, even though all the squares in the figure are equal.

Moving Eggs
It would appear the eggs are moving but they are really not!

Perfect Square
The square in the middle appears to be curved but its perfectly straight.

Jesus Silhouette
Stare at this image close up for 60 seconds then lean back and close your eyes. You will see an image of Jesus. This one is freaky.

Parallel Lines
These lines are actually parallel even though they appear to curve.

Black and White
Christopher Walken is flying through space and blinking black and white.

Flashing Spider
It would appear this spider is going to pop out of the screen and get you.

Disappearing Dots
Stare at the center long enough and the dots will disappear!

Could you build this?
This one is for you builders out there. Can this structure be built?

Only 3 colors in this picture.
There is only 3 Colors in this picture.

Are they spinning?
Here is another one that will make your eyes fall out of your head.

An indian or an Eskimo?
Do you see an Eskimo or an Indian?

Number of faces?
Here is another counting illusion. How many faces can you find.

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